Talking about sexual health makes folks squeamish. While sexuality and dating have, for the most part, been taken care of by technology there isn’t much talk of sexual health online. Until Biem.
Biem is an app and service that makes it easy to talk to a sexual healthcare representative and get tests taken. It also lets you anonymously notify sexual partners if something is amiss and share your results with loved ones.
Co-Founder Bryan Stacy has felt the fear of STD tests and created Biem to assuage it in others.
“Because we aren’t educated on sexual health, it terrifies us,” he said. “That fear could have cost me my life when I delayed getting treatment for what ended up being testicular cancer and chlamydia. That fear is contributing the record-high STD rate in the US. Our goal is to expand and destigmatize the sexual health conversation so that we don’t get paralyzed by fear or overwhelmed by complicated medical processes.”
The service is clinically operation in New York state and move through regulatory hurdles to go national. They are raising a Series A.
The system is quite simple. Using the app you can speak to a qualified sexual health specialist for $45 about your problems and, if necessary, you can order a test.
“Testing can be performed at home or one of our partner lab locations,” said Stacy. “All diagnostics are FDA and CLEA certified to conform to regulatory standards. This is in contrast to ‘self-tests’ or ‘box tests’ that may not be FDA approved, have a history of inaccuracy, have no expertise available for interpretation, and most importantly little treatment choices.”
The company aims to partner with dating apps to enable communication and understanding of sexual health and diagnosis. In short, it helps everyone have just a little more fun without fear or confusion.
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